Wednesday, May 27, 2009

one of the days when solitude is bliss!

white fence bordering the green fields. The contrast was very evident even in this twilight that was closer to the night than the day. The fence looked as if it had been painted just that afternoon. The crescent Moon low on the horizon, just above the only tree manning the entire landscape. Scattered cattle grazing. birds(very few) flying across the sky making a pattern that would put the constellations to shame. The Sun that is already rising elsewhere still left its 'after effects' proving how powerful it indeed is. A few clouds hovering the west sky accentuating the golden light. I just hope I wasn't driving, otherwise I could have had my gaze fixed at this picture postcard bettering scene. With music in my ears, this put a smile on my face after a dreary and a long day at work. I wonder, had I taken my camera along, would I have been able to capture it all? But in hindsight, it really does not matter. If I did have a chance of seeing this over and over again on my desktop (arggggggg.. computer has taken over my life, cant write anything without mentioning it), it might have taken the magic away. Thank God for the lovely sunsets and starry nights, only then can we look forward to sunrises!


Anonymous said...


Rashmi said...

Had you taken your camera along,you would be more focussed on getting that shot right rather than enjoying the beauty of that rare sight :)

El Furibundo said...

It doesn't matter. Good you didn't take the camera along.

I sometimes wonder how lonely God must feel. He paints giant masterpieces in the sky, *twice*, just for me, everyday. I hardly ever notice. Then I complain of this and that. Not surprising, I have a lot of things to gripe about!! :)

Thanks for this post.